Portugal is U20 European Champion for the 5th time in a row

16-10-29-prizing38The defending champion won again the title after an amazing final against Italy that scored first, but didn’t resist the comeback of Portugal, guided by the goals of Nunes and the saves of Rodrigues. Spain won the bronze medal.

Portugal succeeded to Portugal in the Roll of Honour of the U20 European Championship. It happens for the fifth time in a row, for Portugal is winning the title since 2008.
The final of the 2016 edition, hosted in Pully (Switzerland) opposed the defending champion to the team of Italy. In front of 800 people (as much as the sports hall capacity crowd), they played at the highest level, performing at their best. Italy took the lead thanks to Compagno, but Portugal performed a sudden comeback, as happened in the game the two teams played in the group stage. Gonçalo Nunes was the one who led Portugal to remount, scoring twice before halftime.
At the beginning of the second half, an Italian defensive error let Batista score the third point for Portugal, putting the game on a good way for the portuguese. Italy tried to recover, but failed two penalties and a power play before surrender and leave Portugal on the highest step of the podium.
Before the final for the title and the gold medal, Spain got the third place and the bronze medal defeating France 3-0. The home team, Switzerland ended the tournament at the fifth place thanks to the victory over Germany (6-2). Finally, Andorra won England 3-1 closing its championship at the 7th place.

Final 7th/8th place
England-Andorra 2-5
Final 5th/6th place
Germany-Switzerland 2-6
Final 3rd/4th place
France-Spain 1-3
Final 1st/2nd place
Italy-Portugal 1-3

2nd – Silver Medal – Italy
3rd – Bronze Medal – Spain
4th – France
5th – Switzerland
6th – Germany
7th – Andorra
8th – England

Find more info, videos, pictures, match reports and live scores in Cers Rink Hockey website and social networks account:
Website: www.wseurope-rinkhockey.org
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/cerhtv
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/CerhComite/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CersRinkHockey
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U20 Euro Championship official website: http://pully2016.ch
Official hashtags: #okeurou20 #okpully2016